Mind Over Matter Mind Power: How to Manifest With Mind Power!

Man manifests jet with his mind over matter power

Eastwood 1979 interview Thoughts create matter author

The author of this article, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13This is documented in the public record.

"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.


Mind Over Matter Mind Power: How to Manifest With Mind Power!

  • What is mind over matter mind power?
  • How do I manifest with mind power?


I will answer these questions now.



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A website that challenges you to look at reality anew
Internal Science & International Philosophy by William Eastwood.

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Holographic reality universe David Bohm Einstein Eastwood
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.

All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.

A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.

What is Internal Science & International Philosophy
An earth-network.org article.

Worldview power of
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.

A WilliamEastwood.com article.

A MindOverMatterPower.com article.

How to stay safe always

Belief projection. Belief projection theory by William Eastwood
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.

The Holographic Theory of Consciousness
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.

A MindFormsMatter.com website article.

International Philosophy by William Eastwood is your flight to success
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.

An earth-network.org article.

Consciousness forms matter Solid physical Particles do not exist
A MindFormsMatter.com article.

Consciousness mind forms matter does reality
A MindFormsMatter.com website article.

You are in a field of probabilities

Mind forms matter can thoughts create events objects
A MindFormsMatter.com website article.

Mind Over Matter you are a genius
A MindFormsMatter.com article.

Create your own reality
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.

Consciousness creates the universe physical objects reality
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.

How to change negative thinking to positive
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.

Appreciation gratitude International Philosophy
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.


What is mind over matter mind power?

What is mind over matter mind power? Eastwood.How do I manifest with mind power?
William Eastwood.

Mind over matter mind power is the natural power you have to create your reality with your mind. Each thought you have is an expression of mind over matter power.

Thoughts continue to exist after you think them. They pass down through levels of the psyche, combining with similar thoughts and repelling dissimilar thoughts and evolving probable events.

Mind over matter mind power applies to all subjective activity. Your beliefs, thoughts and emotions automatically form into material events and objects.

Mind over matter power is tied to understanding and application. You must understand mind over matter principles and you must apply them. Understanding often begins with the science.


"You cannot understand the universe if you do not take into account the source of that universe. Electrons are projections. Traditional science moves electrons around like children playing with blocks, whereas Internal Science gives us an understanding of how to create electrons, which is a far more valuable thing to know."

— William Eastwood.


David Bohm (the most influential physicist of the 20th century)

The secret power of thoughts, metaphysical books universal principles Bohm.
David Bohm.

Physicist David Bohm, — who Albert Einstein called “a kindred spirit,” and whose Ph.D. thesis — being top secret and classified — was awarded at the University of California at Berkeley by none other than Robert Oppenheimer, tells us that our physical reality is a holographic projection of the "implicate order," which Eastwood says is projected by the brain and five senses into the universe.


Hugh Everett III (the originator of Many-Worlds theory)

Mind over matter presents Hugh Everett III
Hugh Everett III.

[The Many-Worlds interpretation is the] only completely coherent approach to explaining both the contents of quantum mechanics and the appearance of the world.

—Hugh Everett III


Combine these two views for Internal Science and International Philosophy.


The problem is the scientific ego, not lack of evidence

Eastwood today.

There is more evidence that consciousness creates reality than there is evidence that black holes exist. There is more evidence supporting Internal Science than physicalism.



Scientists need to get their blocks in order

Experiment proves thoughts influence create matter reality
Children's experiment proves thoughts influence matter.

I see it all the time in the experiments of young school children. They meditate over jars of rice and the rice that receives hateful thoughts decomposes faster than the control and much faster than the rice that benefits from positive blessings.

The problem is that people see only what they want to see because their reality is a projection of their own beliefs. This applies to everyone that has an opinion and scientists often have the strongest opinions.

The ego of a scientist is the only problem, not lack of evidence. The evidence that shows that thoughts create matter is everywhere. You just have to be willing to look.


A philosophy of personal power

Thoughts are fields of energy that form matter. We have built a civilization on the division between mind and matter, yet both are the same — consciousness and matter are both composed of electromagnetic fields.

Thoughts combine with similar thoughts and transform themselves into probable events which contain the impetus and pattern necessary to evolve into the complexity of matter.

  • You project your own psychological energy out to form the physical world.
  • Ideas and emotions are energy that coalesce as events and objects.
  • Your life is a learning experience you chose in order to learn how to project energy.
  • Your life situation gives you clarity as to what you are projecting psychologically.
  • You are in your own hologram.


Bernard d'Espagnat.

"The doctrine that the world is made up of objects whose existence is independent of human consciousness turns out to be in conflict with quantum mechanics and with facts established by experiment."

— Bernard d'Espagnat, a top theoretical physicist.



What does that statement mean?

It means that your consciousness is connected to physical objects. You can attract wealth, money, love, health or anything you want with simple laws like gravity that apply to everyone equally.

By seeing reality as it is—as an interactive web of energy—you increase your ability to influence matter and events.


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Consciousness forms matter Internal Science
A MindFormsMatter.com article.


What is mind over matter mind power? UN How do I manifest with mind power?
The Inner UN.

If you continue to focus on your goals with passion and positive expectation, you will add energy to the non-physical probabilities within and below the subconscious. When enough energy accumulates and conditions are right, those inner thoughtforms manifest as either events or objects in your environment.

Mind over matter power, therefore, is the natural progression of thoughts and emotions into matter through the process just described.


Why science religion deny consciousness creates reality
A MindFormsMatter.com website article.


Mind over matter power only works with mind power application. You must apply the principles in your own life, or you will reap no rewards. Positive thoughts on your goals and high energy will create synchronistic events that bring you what you are asking for or more. Negative thinking, poor moods and beliefs associated with the myth of physicalism will block manifestation.

To make mind over matter mind power effective, make a decision if you are going to eliminate negative beliefs and thinking habits. The best way to do that is by visiting our daily affirmation and guidance post.



William Eastwood says mind over matter is real
William Eastwood.

His mission is to help you!


Solve any problem!

Achieve any goal!

Science with a heart and soul!



Free daily affirmations and guidance

Affirmations by mind over matter power.
A MindOverMatterPower.com daily affirmations & guidance.



You are NOT meant to suffer!

William Eastwood in paradise helps you manifest anything
William Eastwood wants to tell you how you can have anything you want.

Reality is not the dark and gloomy picture that is often taught in the classroom and depicted on the news. There is no reason whatsoever to suffer in life. You do not have to work at a job you do not like in a grueling 9 to 5 life of pain and suffering followed by death and extermination of your existence. It isn't that way at all!

This way of thinking is a symptom of a flawed model rather than flawed people. Reality is far different than what most of us were taught.


Manifest anything & stay safe under any circumstances / No matter what your situation is, you can change it

When I was in a seemingly impossible situation, I created a series of powerful affirmations to escape the predicament I was in. They worked so well that I still use them today. I have made them available on my free course.

They transition us to the new paradigm so that we can achieve our goals and live safely. They give us immunity from inner and outer threats of every kind.


course & affirmation page

Online course to transform yourself life
New every day

Our course is posted on 4 websites (Each one is at a different stage)

You can tap in at any time. With four different pages you can always find the precise affirmation(s) and insight(s) you need to make the day go your way.


"My daily affirmation page teaches you how to create the events you want with your thoughts. If you read the affirmations on the affirmation page first thing when you wake up, you will change what happens on that day. If you continue every morning, you will change your whole life. But if you don't go to this page, don't follow your intuition, or don't apply the principles, nothing will happen."




Mind over matter manifesting with mind power is as simple as understanding and applying the secret.


Mind over matter power presents the secret power of your thoughts.
A MindOverMatterPower.com website article.


How do I manifest with my mind power?

Mind over matter basics can be applied easily.

What is mind over matter mind power? UN How do I manifest with mind power?
The Inner UN.

To manifest with mind power, you must resolve that you are going to achieve your goals and remove doubts from your thinking process. Any beliefs — from passing assumptions to steady convictions — have a bearing on what you are able to create.

All subjective activity should be aligned with the goal. Study the subject matter given here and apply consciousness science principles. Turn doubts into conviction. Change your worldview if necessary.

Energy draining thoughts

  • What if I am wrong?
  • Someone is going to take it away from me.
  • I am losing money,
  • This is unlikely to last.

These kinds of thoughts can neutralize the energy set in motion by your positive resolve that you are going to achieve all your goals.

Self-confidence, patience, a sense of self-worth, your worldview and a host of other factors have a bearing on your ability to manifest what you want. As with anything practice develops your ability to manifest what you want. Keep practicing until you get the result you want.


What are intelligent light energy consciousness humans life universe
A MindFormsMatter.com website article.


Each person’s beliefs, thoughts and emotions are unique. Only you know what is in your mind and only you can manage it. Everyone has their own way of doing things, the same principle applies to manifesting. The way the mind is managed and organized is unique for each person. Learn what your triggers are. What makes you feel great? What thoughts make you feel powerful? What makes you think you are invincible? What is most inspiring to you?

Find out what motivates you and create reminders or triggers in your environment. If it is simply a post-it-note that says “stay positive,” or “remember the time….,” or “just do it,” or “I will do it,” these simple things can be enough to change your life.


Mind forms matter can thoughts create events objects
A MindFormsMatter.com website article. 


Your reality is a holographic projection

How you are creating a three-dimensional movie—your life

Thoughts create matter: A virtual reality headset
Virtual reality headset.

Imagine that in your living room you put on a holographic headset. At the click of a switch, you seem to no longer be in your living room.

Your senses are now telling you that you are actually on a tropical beach. As you reach down to touch the imaginary sand, sensor pads in gloves you are wearing give the sensation of pressure on your fingers.

This is an analogy to explain the purpose of your body and brain. Your body and brain are like a holographic headset that allows you to perceive a 3D movie you call your life.

Mind Forms Matter research results

You are not moving through time and space from birth to death―THAT IS THE PROJECTION YOU ARE CREATING.

If you do not see the objects behind you, they do not exist physically. There is a field of infinite probabilities behind you. When you turn to see what is there, you collapse one specific probability from an infinite range of probable events.

  1. There is no singular, one-world timeline.
  2. You do not progress in a linear manner within time from birth to death.
  3. You are not a three-dimensional self moving through a three-dimensional world from birth to death.
  4. You and the world do not exist that way.

When you become aware of how you are creating your reality, you can awaken from the trance. It is then that you can create a-dream-come-true, in which you are surrounded by your every wish.

By applying the principles of conscious creation carefully, I will tell you exactly how you can bring the production in line with what you want.

I have simplified the science into its most important practical insights that you can use to create what you want in life. "International Philosophy" gives you simple terms and guidance that is easy to understand in any language.

The excerpt above was taken from "The Solution..."

Mind over matter power presents The Solution ebook by William Eastwood EN
The new eBook is now available.

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"It's like having all six of our websites at your fingertips. It also contains my best practical insights enabling you to create the life you want that's not on any of our websites." — William Eastwood.



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Mind over matter power 500 articles panel
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.

All books are Internal Science & International Philosophy.

Consciousness forms matter Internal Science
A MindFormsMatter.com article.

International Philosophy by William Eastwood is your flight to success
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.


Click on image to learn more.


What is mind over matter mind power? UN How do I manifest with mind power?
The Inner UN.

As you begin affirming what you want, you will bring up any contradicting beliefs, thoughts and emotions. You will need to dismiss or rebuke ideas that conflict with the goal you have set.

The process of weeding out your doubts can take a few minutes or a lifetime. It all depends on the weight of your doubts, limiting beliefs, attitudes and emotional habits, and the intensity of your confidence, resolve, etc.

A moment of intense joy can redirect your life.


Click on image to learn more.




Anyone can apply these principles in seconds.

If you are overworked, desperate or staining to get results you are pushing what you want away from you. If this is the case, drop the desperation and relax. Realize that the universe will bring you whatever you want when you understand the law of attraction and create the positive feelings associated with success and having what you want.

My affirmation pages give you the means to manifest by providing the best affirmations you can get anywhere and guidance on how to use affirmation.


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Affirmations are most effective when done intermittently, and so my affirmations follow the most beneficial off/on rhythm and repeat for maximum effectiveness. 50 years of experience counts. Make your next thought count by working for you.




Thoughts can do create money manifest success materialize cash now today
A MindFormsMatter.com website article.


What is mind over matter mind power? UN How do I manifest with mind power?
The Inner UN.

Learn a variety of affirmations related to what you are trying to achieve. These affirmations should trigger a deep chord in you. Say them silently in your mind until they become automatic thoughts. When the whole mind is repatterned in this way you will have removed limitations from your growth, and you will be able to manifest what you want.


The main article continues below.



All books & articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.


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Mind over matter books
All books are Internal Science & International Philosophy.


Audiobook manifest while you sleep mind technology by William Eastwood
Listen, learn & manifest.


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Mind over matter power 500 articles panel
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.


You can be blind as a bat or very powerfulA ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.

Multidimensional Time Travel: Astral Projection man-made planet
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.

What is the multidimensional self
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.

I visited a Man made planet
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.

The secrets of the universe, multiverse and time
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.

web of probabilities
A WilliamEastwood.com article.

Thoughts Create Matter Internal Science with a heart & soul
A MindFormsMatter.com article.

How can I save the earth & all life?
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.

Belief projection. Belief projection theory by William Eastwood
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.

How does your mind form matter and reality?
A MindFormsMatter.com article.

Consciousness creates the universe physical objects reality
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.

Mind over matter power presents Can I make things happen with my thoughts?A MindFormsMatter.com article.

Thought about your unlimited potential
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.

A MindFormsMatter.com article.

Consciousness mind forms matter does reality
A MindFormsMatter.com article.

Mind forms matter can thoughts create events objects
A MindFormsMatter.com article.

Thoughts Create Matter how to create what you want
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.

Learn to Use Your Mind to Materialize Anything You Desire
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.

International Guaranteed Income for Everyone
An earth-network.org article.

Create your own reality
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.

How do I use mind over matter to materialize money manifesting goals dreams?
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.

Can your thoughts influence other monkeys & humans
A MindFormsMatter.com article.



The main article resumes:


Mind over matter power manifesting with mind power is all about having an understanding of many things. Use every source of knowledge and practical ideas. Use common sense and do not ignore advice out of hand. Develop a powerful worldview to achieve whatever goals you have.


Click on image to learn more.



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Manifesting Power Book

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Clear all unconstructive thoughts and replace everything negative with positive expectations. Do not give any more consideration to things you do not want to happen. Focus on what you want as if it were happening now and fill yourself with the feeling of the wish fulfilled.

Find out what your private triggers are that create high positive emotional energy. Utilize these triggers first thing in the morning and whenever possible. Take hold of your most positive memories and focus on them until you increase the energy stored in your cells and in the probable events that are by now bursting with positive energy and ready to manifest.

Create positive feelings about everything in your life. Appreciate the sunny day, the freedoms you have, and frame everything as positive.

The field of probabilities is the inner reality of infinite unmanifest events. Your success already exists in the field. To manifest money and whatever you want, you must create what you want in your imagination.

It works. I've manifested large amounts of money when I needed it. If you want to utilize my secrets to manifesting money, get this book. Anyone who believes it can't work can get fast results and can materialize cash money out of the blue by following the instructions given within this informative book. You will get more return on this investment in yourself (by getting this book) than you with any other type of investment you can make.


A book by William Eastwood: Manifesting power book materialize money success health goals.


Manifesting basics

Your inner psychic reality is projected into matter. When you understand this, it gives you an advantage in life.


Learn how a philosophy of life merges with a new science & Einstein's colleague, David Bohm's science.


What is mind over matter mind power? UN How do I manifest with mind power?
The Inner UN.

Your environment is an energy field projected by your thoughts and emotions. The things you love within your home are actually your thoughts and emotions materialized.

You should attempt to project the emotional states of the desired result as a method to discover how your emotional focus manifests particular events and objects. This is the easiest and fastest way to see immediate changes and proof of mind over matter power.


Mind over matter mind power manifesting tips

  1. Identify objectives.
  2. Connect with your inner self.
  3. Affirm what you want emotionally.
  4. Do this when you are still sleepy.
  5. Look for evidence the process is working during the day.
  6. Do not get in your own way when working or attending to daily activities. Focus on work when you need to. When your mind is diverted the inner self works on manifesting what you want.
  7. Mind over matter manifesting with mind power should be applied intermittently.
  8. Focus energy into the area of your interests you wish to manifest, and on the beliefs that enable you to manifest successfully.
  9. It is most productive to apply a focus on desired end results in a certain rythm.
  10. Maintain faith and positive focus at all times.


What is a thought human consciousness mind emotion belief definition
A MindFormsMatter.com website article.


What is mind over matter mind power? UN How do I manifest with mind power?
The Inner UN.

Your primary interests and desires have exceptional pulling power. When you awaken and are still tired, close your eyes and attempt to recall the night’s dreams and summon your inner self or soul.

Whether you remember your dreams or not, contemplating an inner level of consciousness puts you in contact with the portions of your inner mind that are involved in the work of creating daily events for you. A small effort to manifest while in the proper state of mind that is characterized by a strong connection with your inner self, can give you a significant result.

Lean your mind in the direction of your inner world. Then repeat affirmations and enter into a feeling of possession.


The main article continues below.



All books & articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.


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Mind over matter books
All books are Internal Science & International Philosophy.


Audiobook manifest while you sleep mind technology by William Eastwood
Listen, learn & manifest.


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Mind over matter power 500 articles panel
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.


How to be safe with non-linear time thinking worldviewA MindOverMatterPower.com article.

Mind over matter presents: Who you really are. Multidimensional self
ThoughtsFormMatter.com articles.

A MindFormsMatter.com article.

Mind over matter power presents the secret power of your thoughts.
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.

Mind forms matter presents: Do other inner worlds exist?
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.

Mind over matter theory of consciousness
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.

What is the multidimensional self
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.

A MindOverMatterPower.com article.

A MindOverMatterPower.com article.

Manifest your thoughts
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.

How do I become rich and successful
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.

Appreciation gratitude are International Philosophy
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.

A WilliamEastwood.com article.

It time travel possible?
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.

What is a unifying principle
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.

A new mind over matter science paradigm metaphysics protecting you from cults
A MindOverMatterPower.com article


Affirmations can change beliefs, and when done properly will ensure success and positive experiences.


Manifesting is all about projecting the desired emotions

Negative emotions will manifest!

Positive emotions will manifest!

Thoughts of abundance will manifest!

A sense of forward motion will manifest!

A sense of adventure, glory and discovery will manifest!

A sense of power and ability will manifest!

Joy will manifest!

Match the emotion of having what you want to manifest it!

Maintain those emotions for as long as it takes!

Control your thoughts and emotions.

Make each day an adventure.


Long-term self-improvement

"I have originated a series of affirmations to displace inaccurate cultural beliefs with accurate and constructive beliefs that will allow you to have the most positive experiences possible. You will take the changes you make with these affirmations with you into the after death experience. If you train your mind in the way these affirmations guide you to do, you will avoid costly mistakes and repetition of negative experiences and you will manifest high quality and fulfilling experiences in this life and after.

"Internal Science allows you to achieve immunity from every form of inner and outer threat."

—William Eastwood


course & affirmation page

Online course to transform yourself life
New every day

Our course is posted on 4 websites (Each one is at a different stage)

You can tap in at any time. With four different pages you can always find the precise affirmation(s) and insight(s) you need to make the day go your way.


"My daily affirmation page teaches you how to create the events you want with your thoughts. If you read the affirmations on the affirmation page first thing when you wake up, you will change what happens on that day. If you continue every morning, you will change your whole life. But if you don't go to this page, don't follow your intuition, or don't apply the principles, nothing will happen."





The main article resumes:


Create your future life

As often as possible, take on the feeling of being who you want to be. Be who you want to be in emotion and feel those emotions you want to feel, and you will manifest that self and those emotions. The form of the manifestation will then reinforce the desired emotions and self.

This effort will shift probabilities in the direction of the future and future self you wish to be.




William Eastwood revolutionary new science introduction to an iconoclast
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com website article.


Probabilities what they are and how to choose between them alternate parallel reincarnation other realities
A MindOverMatterPower.com website article.



45 years of research goes into every book


What are you going to do to change your life?


Huge diamond represents the beautiful self and your ability to manifest anything you want with mind over matter mind power






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William Eastwood Earth Network Mission Great Civilization plan to solve world problems now
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.



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An earth-network.org website article.

You are in a consciousness hologram you create and control with your thoughts
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.

Conscious evolution where you consciousness come from
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.

How to travel to your future manifest money gold
A MindFormsMatter.com article.

What is Internal Science & International Philosophy
An earth-network.org article.

Appreciation gratitude are International Philosophy
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.

ESP: What it is How to Develop
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.

Why Are People Divided Their Thinking? Americans, Politicians
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.

Will the human race survive? Predictions for 2024-2050
A WilliamEastwood.com article.

How to be safe with non-linear time thinking worldview
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.

World Without Borders One Planet & People book for a better future by William Eastwood
A WilliamEastwood.com article.

All people are good spirits inside
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.

Mind over matter power presents the secret power of your thoughts.
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.

How do I become rich and successful
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.

Mind over matter altruistic movement
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.

Mind forms matter presents: Do other inner worlds exist?
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.



Fireworks depict conscious creation by means of mind power

Mind Over Matter Mind Power: How to Manifest With Mind Power!

Copyright 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, By William Eastwood.



Primary article concludes here.



The Holy Grail

Nobel Prize winning physicists in the 20th century are responsible for creating quantum physics. From their work science has discovered the true nature of reality. There are no physical particles. Everything is composed of non-solid waves of energy.

Other fields of science, however, do not listen to what these physicists have discovered. If all of science were a human body, it would be as if the arms and legs of science do not listen to the head. Our modern field of science is therefore in a schizophrenic condition.

If we were to listen to the physicists whose job it is to determine the nature of reality, we would develop a new picture or paradigm of reality. Internal Science is the name I have given to that paradigm. If we were to base psychology on that paradigm we would develop a new psychology. I call that psychology International Philosophy.

International Philosophy is based on the science of exactly how thoughts form matter. Ideas and emotions are energy that coalesce as events and objects. You mind creates your reality.

If you apply the principles of International Philosophy, you can manifest whatever you want in life right now. If we can get enough people to do this we can solve world problems.

Our website articles tell you exactly how you can achieve your goals and how we can solve world problems. We have all the answers. The only thing stopping us from creating the "Promised Land" is the belief that we do not have all the answers.

We can reverse global warming and we can give money to everyone. There is enough wealth to go around for everyone. Wealth is a result of having positive beliefs about money. You can get there by following the God of you.

Our 500 free articles are filled with the practical information you need to create what you want in life.

Read Belief Projection Theory, watch "The Dragon Slayer Prophecy" film, and be sure to use our affirmation and guidance pages every day. And if you can afford them, buy William Eastwood's books to support the mission to feed and care for everyone on earth and to transition humanity to a new era of peace and fulfillment before it is too late.



For consistency of accurate material.


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International Philosophy

International Philosophy by William Eastwood is your flight to success
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


25 Books by William Eastwood

Nine book covers by William Eastwood
25 Books by William Eastwood to fund our mission.

Daily affirmations and guidance

Affirmations to manifest anything you want instantly
A daily affirmation & guidance page.


BILLIONAIRE BELIEFS MILLIONAIRE Secret Formula to Manifest Billions

About William Eastwood & His Earth Network Mission to Help Humanity

How does your mind form matter and reality?


New science Eastwood is time travel possible.


Manifest your thoughts

Man knows how appreciation and gratitude affect and create events.

Can thoughts create matter?

Altruistic Movement Earth Network William Eastwood Case History Connecticut Criminal Government

William Eastwood's plan to give free money for everyone on earth

Mind over matter presents: Who you really are. Multidimensional self

Your success

How do my thoughts create my reality


Mind over matter power articles



Categories: How to manifest with mind power. Learn how everything is a projection of your five senses. The secrets of powerful manifesting. Understand that reality is a projection of the Mind. Every person creates their own universe. How to manifest what you want in life with mind over matter mind power. Click on our site and books to learn more. How to use mind over matter power: How to manifest with your mind power! Click on our site and books to learn more.


Mind Over Matter Mind Power: How to Manifest With Mind Power!

Until you turn around, nothing behind you is manifest. Until you look out the window and see the car that you hear, the car is not manifest.



The concepts conveyed in this website are within these books.

Click on image to go to mind over matter book page.


