Can Believing Something Strongly Enough Cause It to Happen? Manifest With Faith & Emotion

Can Believing Something Strongly Enough Cause it to Happen? Manifest with Faith, belief & Emotion

Eastwood 1979 interview Thoughts create matter author

The author of this article, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13This is documented in the public record.

"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.


Can Believing Something Strongly Enough Cause It to Happen? Manifest with Faith & Emotion

  • Can believing something strongly enough cause it to happen?
  • Will belief, faith and emotion cause my thoughts to manifest?


I will answer these questions now.



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Internal Science & International Philosophy by William Eastwood.

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Can believing something strongly enough cause it to happen?

Can Believing Something Strongly Enough Cause it to Happen? Manifest with Faith & Emotion
William Eastwood.

Yes, believing something strongly enough can cause it to happen. This is true because thoughts and matter are both electromagnetic energy.




If you believe something strongly and consistently enough, you increase the likelihood of manifestation significantly.

Believing something strongly enough will make it happen if you dwell on the feeling of the wish fulfilled and if conditions permit. In many cases, even if conditions do not permit, believing something strongly enough will change conditions.


Mind over matter power presents the secret power of your thoughts.
A website article.


Believing something strongly enough will reorganize reality in such a way as to make what you want possible.

Belief Projection Theory (BP) says that what you believe manifests as your reality. This is based on some very powerful science.

"You cannot understand the universe if you do not take into account the source of that universe. Electrons are projections. Traditional science moves electrons around like children playing with blocks, whereas Internal Science gives us an understanding of how to create electrons, which is a far more valuable thing to know."

— William Eastwood.


David Bohm (the most influential physicist of the 20th century)

The secret power of thoughts, metaphysical books universal principles Bohm.
David Bohm.

Physicist David Bohm, — who Albert Einstein called “a kindred spirit,” and whose Ph.D. thesis — being top secret and classified — was awarded at the University of California at Berkeley by none other than Robert Oppenheimer, tells us that our physical reality is a holographic projection of the "implicate order," which Eastwood says is projected by the brain and five senses into the universe.


Hugh Everett III (the originator of Many-Worlds theory)

Mind over matter presents Hugh Everett III
Hugh Everett III.

[The Many-Worlds interpretation is the] only completely coherent approach to explaining both the contents of quantum mechanics and the appearance of the world.

—Hugh Everett III


Combine these two views for Internal Science and International Philosophy.


The problem is the scientific ego, not lack of evidence

Eastwood today.

There is more evidence that consciousness creates reality than there is evidence that black holes exist. There is more evidence supporting Internal Science than physicalism.



Scientists need to get their blocks in order

Experiment proves thoughts influence create matter reality
Children's experiment proves thoughts influence matter.

I see it all the time in the experiments of young school children. They meditate over jars of rice and the rice that receives hateful thoughts decomposes faster than the control and much faster than the rice that benefits from positive blessings.

The problem is that people see only what they want to see because their reality is a projection of their own beliefs. This applies to everyone that has an opinion and scientists often have the strongest opinions.

The ego of a scientist is the only problem, not lack of evidence. The evidence that shows that thoughts create matter is everywhere. You just have to be willing to look.


A philosophy of personal power

Thoughts are fields of energy that form matter. We have built a civilization on the division between mind and matter, yet both are the same — consciousness and matter are both composed of electromagnetic fields.

Thoughts combine with similar thoughts and transform themselves into probable events which contain the impetus and pattern necessary to evolve into the complexity of matter.

  • You project your own psychological energy out to form the physical world.
  • Ideas and emotions are energy that coalesce as events and objects.
  • Your life is a learning experience you chose in order to learn how to project energy.
  • Your life situation gives you clarity as to what you are projecting psychologically.
  • You are in your own hologram.


Bernard d'Espagnat.

"The doctrine that the world is made up of objects whose existence is independent of human consciousness turns out to be in conflict with quantum mechanics and with facts established by experiment."

— Bernard d'Espagnat, a top theoretical physicist.



What does that statement mean?

It means that your consciousness is connected to physical objects. You can attract wealth, money, love, health or anything you want with simple laws like gravity that apply to everyone equally.

By seeing reality as it is—as an interactive web of energy—you increase your ability to influence matter and events.


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Consciousness forms matter Internal Science
A article.


It is possible to manifest your thoughts by believing something strongly enough. If you believe it is possible and have faith it will be achieved, it will manifest. If your thoughts are focused on the feeling of the wish fulfilled, the emotional intensity will accelerate the manifestation process and you will get what you are after faster.

Belief, faith and emotion make manifestation possible. Not religious faith, but faith that the outcome will be achieved will cause the event you desire to happen.


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In fact, faith, belief and expectation are the most powerful factors determining the speed at which thoughts manifest. A lot of factors apply, but assumption or belief are at the top of the list.

It does not matter where your faith comes from, only that you have faith in the outcome desired. It only matters that you have faith that what you want will happen. Most great achievers did not know how they were going to achieve their goals, only that they would. It is faith itself that makes the manifestation of thoughts possible.

The process of manifestation is greatly aided by positive thinking, appreciation and a proper worldview. Any single conflicting belief can alter or cancel the results. This is why you can benefit from an array of affirmations. You can click on my affirmation and guidance page to learn more.



William Eastwood says mind over matter is real
William Eastwood.

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You are NOT meant to suffer!

William Eastwood in paradise helps you manifest anything
William Eastwood wants to tell you how you can have anything you want.

Reality is not the dark and gloomy picture that is often taught in the classroom and depicted on the news. There is no reason whatsoever to suffer in life. You do not have to work at a job you do not like in a grueling 9 to 5 life of pain and suffering followed by death and extermination of your existence. It isn't that way at all!

This way of thinking is a symptom of a flawed model rather than flawed people. Reality is far different than what most of us were taught.


Manifest anything & stay safe under any circumstances / No matter what your situation is, you can change it

When I was in a seemingly impossible situation, I created a series of powerful affirmations to escape the predicament I was in. They worked so well that I still use them today. I have made them available on my free course.

They transition us to the new paradigm so that we can achieve our goals and live safely. They give us immunity from inner and outer threats of every kind.


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Our course is posted on 4 websites (Each one is at a different stage)

You can tap in at any time. With four different pages you can always find the precise affirmation(s) and insight(s) you need to make the day go your way.


"My daily affirmation page teaches you how to create the events you want with your thoughts. If you read the affirmations on the affirmation page first thing when you wake up, you will change what happens on that day. If you continue every morning, you will change your whole life. But if you don't go to this page, don't follow your intuition, or don't apply the principles, nothing will happen."





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How to create what you desire

A woman realizes her mind forms matter
A woman realizes her thoughts do create matter.

Applying the principle that thoughts create matter is easy when you know how.

We must first learn and understand different methods that work. Faith (I do not mean religious faith) is central and key to the process. The thoughts create matter formula is very simple.

To manifest effectively, it is necessary to take a certain stance toward reality that is based on understanding and trust. We attract and receive our desires by reveling in the feeling of the wish fulfilled.

When we have learned through trial and error, we know we will get results and so we trust the universe to deliver.

Read more.... (International Philosophy.)

Information like this can be found in all our 500 free articles and in my books.


Can Believing Something Strongly Enough Cause It to Happen? UN Manifest with Faith & Emotion
The Inner UN.

Faith, belief and assumption are all the same thing. It is an underlying faith that makes all things possible. This underlying faith is the basis of reality itself. An infant is born with faith and expectation built in. Children are imbued with high expectations and the assumption that the best version of any given desire will automatically be manifest or provided. All life is possessed of faith and belief. Without faith nothing would be possible. Therefore, it is certainly possible that believing something strongly enough can make it happen.

If we follow quantum physics and accurate science, we learn that there is no conflict between science and faith. This is because the universe is a manifestation of consciousness, and consciousness is a form of living electromagnetic energy imbued with other qualities. We pattern spiritual energy by what we think and feel. We attract according to our beliefs and what we focus on. If we believe something strongly enough, we will cause it to happen. Belief and emotion are two of the most powerful tools to manifest thoughts and goals.

Your beliefs determine what is possible. Beliefs filter probable events on a subconscious level.  Your thoughts and intents are energy that search the universe for events that match what you are intending and will bring about and fulfill your desire, no matter what it is.


A website article.



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Clear all unconstructive thoughts and replace everything negative with positive expectations. Do not give any more consideration to things you do not want to happen. Focus on what you want as if it were happening now and fill yourself with the feeling of the wish fulfilled.

Find out what your private triggers are that create high positive emotional energy. Utilize these triggers first thing in the morning and whenever possible. Take hold of your most positive memories and focus on them until you increase the energy stored in your cells and in the probable events that are by now bursting with positive energy and ready to manifest.

Create positive feelings about everything in your life. Appreciate the sunny day, the freedoms you have, and frame everything as positive.

The field of probabilities is the inner reality of infinite unmanifest events. Your success already exists in the field. To manifest money and whatever you want, you must create what you want in your imagination.

It works. I've manifested large amounts of money when I needed it. If you want to utilize my secrets to manifesting money, get this book. Anyone who believes it can't work can get fast results and can materialize cash money out of the blue by following the instructions given within this informative book. You will get more return on this investment in yourself (by getting this book) than you with any other type of investment you can make.


A book by William Eastwood: Manifesting power book materialize money success health goals.



Manifest anything & stay safe under any circumstances / No matter what your situation is, you can change it

When I was in a seemingly impossible situation, I created a series of powerful affirmations to escape the predicament I was in. They worked so well that I still use them today. I have made them available on my free course.

They transition us to the new paradigm so that we can achieve our goals and live safely. They give us immunity from inner and outer threats of every kind.

course & affirmation page

Online course to transform yourself life
New every day

Our course is posted on 4 websites (Each one is at a different stage)

You can tap in at any time. With four different pages you can always find the precise affirmation(s) and insight(s) you need to make the day go your way.


"My daily affirmation page teaches you how to create the events you want with your thoughts. If you read the affirmations on the affirmation page first thing when you wake up, you will change what happens on that day. If you continue every morning, you will change your whole life. But if you don't go to this page, don't follow your intuition, or don't apply the principles, nothing will happen."

There is a definite process of learning we must go through to operate efficiently with the context of the new paradigm. Our course is meant to be easy, with a dozen or so affirmations and a few paragraphs of education material that changes every day and lasts for about two months, then repeats.

The course will help you to replace one operating program (worldview) with another. Otherwise, two worldviews with conflicting ways of doing things (and beliefs) can stalemate you.



Hope verses faith

Hope is not belief. Faith is belief.

Faith encourages action and is an active force in the universe whereas hope is stagnant. A person can live in the same unfortunate conditions for his entire life with hope, but with faith his dreams are realized. Faith is dynamic and faith makes a man or woman dynamic, whereas hope makes one wait.




Your thoughts create your reality


Does your mind form matter? Yes, your mind can and does form matter and create reality. WE


Will belief, faith and emotion cause my thoughts to manifest?

Can Believing Something Strongly Enough Cause It to Happen? UN Manifest with Faith & Emotion
The Inner UN.

Believe, faith and emotion will cause your thoughts to manifest faster than anything else. When a person is born, they agree to the rules of the game. Entering physical life requires agreeing to certain shared beliefs.

To manifest anything requires belief and faith. The earth itself is a product of belief. Humans agree on only the basics in this way. We believe that there is one world and that we progress through time from birth to death. We believe that the earth has a certain number of continents and oceans. But beyond most of these obvious facts that arise out of necessary shared belief, we have the ability to create whatever we want.

Sometimes mature people have evolved a faith that things have a way of working out. This is the most valuable faith humans can possess. People who believe in the best possible outcome are much more likely to manifest that outcome.


Belief projection
A website article.


Believing something positive or negative strongly enough and dwelling on it can make it happen. This is why we have so many problems in the world today. Most people are focused on fear and negativity.



Domesticated humans are in trouble

Domesticated humans are in trouble. They are not well. The illness is a form of negativity (an emotional damage very much alive in our cells and beliefs) that pervades our civilization.

You can recognize its appearance in others, but how do you know if it is in you? And if it is, what can you do about it? Read the resolution to a divided world.


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Can Believing Something Strongly Enough Cause It to Happen? UN Manifest with Faith & Emotion
The Inner UN.

On deep inner levels of consciousness, spiritual energy flows from the inner entity to the physically focused self. The ordinary conscious self or “the you that you believe yourself to be,” the ego, thinks thoughts, holds beliefs and feels emotions. These actions on the part of the conscious self pattern the spiritual energy that enters into the physical system through the inner self to the physically oriented consciousness or self.

The thoughts you have travel inward and form images and other thoughts as they do so. Your thoughts attract similar thoughts and structures grow within inner levels of consciousness in the same way that life forms grow in the physical world. Your inner world is composed of structures made up of consciousness which organize according to similarities and repel according to differences.

When you have strong belief or faith, you enable these inner probable events to manifest physically. It is faith and belief that makes the forms take. Your beliefs, faith and emotions will cause your thoughts to manifest.

Emotions will cause an immediate change in events and how you perceive. Emotions will alter events on the day they are felt and even in the instant they are felt. Emotions add energy to your thoughts. Beliefs generate thoughts and emotions in all three cause events to manifest.

To manifest events, conditions must support manifestation. If you don’t have the money to pay for a ticket to a foreign country, you are less likely to fly on a jet tomorrow to that country. But if you have a lot of money and you believe you can fly to another country and have faith that it can happen, it is likely that it can happen and will happen.

If circumstances don’t support the manifestation of your thoughts and desires, prayers and expectations, your faith will act on events in such a way as to change circumstances. This can take time and involve learning. It takes a willingness to act on your intuition and the ability to follow inner guidance. But faith in a desired outcome will always produce the outcome desired, even if it takes many years to happen, which in my experience often does with our larger goals.


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Faith, belief and imagination are the best tools you have to create what you want in life.


A website article.



"The doctrine that the world is made up of objects whose existence is independent of human consciousness turns out to be in conflict with quantum mechanics and with facts established by experiment."

Bernard d'Espagnat, a top theoretical physicist.


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  1. There is no singular, one-world time-line.
  2. You do not progress in a linear manner within time from birth to death.
  3. You are not a three-dimensional self moving through a three-dimensional world from birth to death.
  4. You and the world do not exist that way.

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Just about any event in the world today can be changed. Believing something strongly enough can cause just about anything to happen. Belief, faith and emotion can cause your thoughts to manifest positive changes in your life and then in the shared world of public events.


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Can Believing Something Strongly Enough Cause it to Happen? Manifest with Faith & Emotion
Can Believing Something Strongly Enough Cause it to Happen?

Can Believing Something Strongly Enough Cause it to Happen? Manifest with Faith & Emotion

© Copyright 2023, 2024, By: William Eastwood.



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Categories: Can believing something strongly enough cause it to happen?, Will belief faith and emotion cause my thoughts to manifest?, Can imagination affect people and events? Click on our article and books to learn more.


Your inner reality contains many dimensions with unique characteristics that cannot easily be described. In one of these “areas,” you are engaged in another role as your inner self.

Your inner self is busy planning and producing what you are going to experience next in your physical reality projection. A dragon slayer is one who slays doubts and myths in his mind first and then in the physical world.


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