Does My Conscious Mind Create Reality? Probabilities, Beliefs, Thoughts & Emotions

Your conscious mind forms your reality by selecting probabilities. This is how you can create or recreate any reality from any time or dimension.

Eastwood 1979 interview Thoughts create matter author

The founder of Earth Network, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13. His interview is in the United States library system microfilm database public record.

William Eastwood says you are a genius even if you do not realize that you are!


"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.




Does My Conscious Mind Create Reality? Probabilities, Beliefs, Thoughts & Emotions

  • Does my conscious mind create my reality?
  • Do I create my reality according to my beliefs, thoughts and emotions?
  • Does my conscious mind create and attract probabilities?


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Achieve any goal and desire.


Does my conscious mind create and attract probabilities?

Does My Conscious Mind Create Reality? WE. Probabilities, Beliefs, Thoughts & Emotions
William Eastwood.

Yes, your conscious mind creates and attracts probabilities. From our perspective in time-space, a probability is a nonphysical event that can be materialized in this system. You can materialize opportunities you missed earlier in your life. They still exist on inner levels to be materialized.

Suppose that at an early age you decide you are going to achieve a particular goal. You believe and affirm that you can. For years you think about it and feel the reality of achieving success. Suppose, furthermore, that something happens that causes you to get derailed, and for some reason your life spirals downward.

Does My Conscious Mind Create Reality? Book Probabilities, Beliefs
Your conscious mind creates your reality. Probabilities, beliefs, thoughts and emotions manifest. (Available as paperback or eBook.)

The energy of your beliefs, thoughts and emotions was projected by your younger self and continues. Energy cannot be destroyed. Your early life ambitions therefore, created probable events and a life of success you can still experience by merging back with that line of probability.

All the positive thinking you had as a youngster, continuing the analogy, and affirmation of yourself and ability at the time, represents an energy that once begun cannot be retracted, but instead continues to develop and evolve on inner levels. At the exact point your life was derailed, another probability was created in which case, a probable you went in the other direction.

The decision or action that derailed you, in this analogy, was not taken in the probability in which you chose differently. As a result, there was a split or intersection in your reality in which an offshoot of your own identity formed so that your whole self could explore the ramification of both decisions and share what was learned with all probable selves of yours.

This happens whenever you project energy into the future by imagining yourself being there. With each decision you make, and each thought about the future you think, you send out energy and create a probable future.

Time does not exist, so what really happens is spectacular indeed. There is no future or past divorced from you as you think there is because all time is now, and so all such future and past selves are probable selves that are very much alive and experiencing life in the same way you are.

Any future or past self of yours is actually a probable self residing in the spacious present. From your perspective, probable selves are not physical. But from the perspective of the probable self, you are not physical.


“Your conscious mind creates your reality by selecting probabilities. It does this according to your beliefs, thoughts and emotions.” — William Eastwood.


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Does My Conscious Mind Create Reality? Book Probabilities, Beliefs
Your conscious mind creates your reality. Probabilities, beliefs, thoughts and emotions manifest. (Available as paperback or eBook.)

Continuing the example, when you were derailed, two paths became actualized. However, in this world we can only perceive one path at a time. Therefore, another you was created, so that the energy you projected as a youngster could find realization. If you think in terms of “missed opportunities” in your past, think again.

There are many such probable selves of yours. These experiences are open to you. You can think vividly about what happened to the probable you that never got derailed but went on to realize your early life ambition. If you do this, you will draw that probability closer to you. Elements of that probability will enter and color your present life. It is even possible to switch places with that probable self.

There is no coercion. When this happens, the other probable self makes a decision to experience life from a position more like your own.

You can create new probabilities by projecting your beliefs, thoughts and emotions into something you want, or you can merge with a probability in which you took that great opportunity you regret because in this life you missed it.

That once in a lifetime opportunity you think you missed is very alive and real to your whole self, of which you are a part. It is every bit as real as this life. And you can draw probabilities to you easily because these are series of events you have already created in other probable realities.

Does My Conscious Mind Create Reality? UN. Probabilities, Beliefs, Thoughts & Emotions
The Inner UN.

You can benefit from an understanding of probabilities and the power of your beliefs, thoughts and emotions to attract and create probabilities.

You can learn to attract and manifest positive probabilities with positive beliefs, thoughts and emotions.



You are NOT meant to suffer!

William Eastwood in paradise helps you manifest anything
William Eastwood wants to tell you how you can have anything you want.

Reality is not the dark and gloomy picture that is often taught in the classroom and depicted on the news. There is no reason whatsoever to suffer in life. You do not have to work at a job you do not like in a grueling 9 to 5 life of pain and suffering followed by death and extermination of your existence. It isn't that way at all!

This way of thinking is a symptom of a flawed model rather than flawed people. Reality is far different than what most of us were taught.


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When I was in a seemingly impossible situation, I created a series of powerful affirmations to escape the predicament I was in. They worked so well that I still use them today. I have made them available to the public on four websites and in two books primarily.

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“Your conscious mind creates your reality by selecting probabilities. It does this according to your beliefs, thoughts, emotions and focus.” — William Eastwood.


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Every thought and emotion alters probabilities. Through training the mind to think in affirmations you can change your reality dramatically.


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Click here for examples that show you how to experience the multidimensional self as it navigates through time and probable worlds. This is something that you can do!



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What are probabilities? Scientific definition

Does My Conscious Mind Create Reality? UN. Probabilities, Beliefs, Thoughts & Emotions
The Inner UN.

Every time you exercise your free will you are choosing between probabilities.

The famous double slit experiment in physics reveals that all paths we can take are taken, yet we can only observe one at a time.

The double slit experiment shows that an electron will take multiple paths to traverse a path from point A to point B. However, only one outcome can be physically observed.


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Man knows how appreciation and gratitude affect and create events.
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When a scientist observes “an electron,” it collapses from all possible positions which the electron could occupy to a single position.

Does My Conscious Mind Create Reality? UN. Probabilities, Beliefs, Thoughts & Emotions
The Inner UN.

Those probable states of the electron do exist in what I call the field of probabilities. From our perspective the infinite probable paths of electrons and events are non-physical probabilities. However, from the position of a probable self (who is physical in his/her reality) you or I would be a probable self.


“Your conscious mind creates your reality by selecting probabilities. It does this according to your beliefs, thoughts, emotions and focus. The subconscious does the actual work of forming events.” — William Eastwood.


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Does My Conscious Mind Create Reality? Book Probabilities, Beliefs
Your conscious mind creates your reality. Probabilities, beliefs, thoughts and emotions manifest. (Available as paperback or eBook.)

If you decide on doing something you know you are very good at but have not done much of, like pursuing a hobby you have neglected, you may notice that you learn very fast. This is because in another probability you have already developed the skill.

We draw skill and knowledge from probabilities all the time. We juggle probabilities every day as we make decisions and weave in and out of probabilities.

This knowledge offers us the key to manifesting anything, be it a desired skill, situation, condition, event or object.

Quantum physics is the study of life and it is extremely simple when we look at it this way. Without the existence of probabilities, we would have no sense of free will.

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Does My Conscious Mind Create Reality? Book Probabilities, Beliefs
Your conscious mind creates your reality. Probabilities, beliefs, thoughts and emotions manifest. (Available as paperback or eBook.)

Think in terms of the Multiverse theory by Hugh Everett. I am not speaking hypothetically. Over a lifetime I tested concepts two-steps more advanced and practical than Hugh Everett’s concept.

The inner realities you create with each decision you make are not mere copies of yourself, but living, breathing extensions of your life into new and exciting areas that you have forgotten. It is your identity that develops and explores the decisions you do not seem to have made in this sequence of probabilities.

These inner probable realities of which I am speaking, make you more, in the same way having two or more identities in this life does. You may be a parent and a business owner at the same time, and one role does not take-away from the other, but instead adds to your overall experience and fulfillment. This same principle applies equally to probabilities.

You actually pick what probable self you want to be.


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“Your conscious and unconscious minds create your reality by selecting probabilities.” — William Eastwood.


Do I create my reality according to my beliefs, thoughts and emotions?

Does My Conscious Mind Create Reality? Book Probabilities, Beliefs
Your conscious mind creates your reality. Probabilities, beliefs, thoughts and emotions manifest. (Available as paperback or eBook.)

Yes, you do create your reality according to your beliefs, thoughts and emotions. Beliefs, thoughts and emotions are electromagnetic energy; the same kind of energy that forms events and matter. By thinking thoughts, assuming and believing, feeling and emotions, you create events and matter through an inner process.

Your thoughts create your reality regardless of what anyone says to the contrary

Because our thoughts create our reality, the thought that our thoughts do not create our reality can create our experienced reality. Not only are our beliefs projected into events holographically, but they also filter our perception, which is why people are always convinced they are right. Our civilization is hypnotized by the strong belief that our thoughts do not create reality.


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Does My Conscious Mind Create Reality? UN. Probabilities, Beliefs, Thoughts & Emotions
The Inner UN.

In your past you did not choose your thoughts as well as you do now because no one taught you that your thoughts manifest. Post-traumatic-stress syndrome is a powerful example of how our fears and negative experiences can hold on in our psyche and body. They may cause our positive thinking to be followed by frustrations and anxieties about getting what we want in life. Often this causes our thoughts to argue for our limitations, which we then manifest instead of what we were affirming.


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“Your inner self does the work of creating your reality according to the probabilities the conscious mind selects according to belief, thought and emotion.” — William Eastwood.


Thoughts affect others
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Does my conscious mind create my reality?

Does My Conscious Mind Create Reality? UN. Probabilities, Beliefs, Thoughts & Emotions
The Inner UN.

Yes, your conscious mind does create your reality. Your conscious mind creates your reality by choosing between probabilities. Your conscious mind creates events and past, present and future simultaneously. The past is not done and finished. The past is no more done and finished than the future is. You can even draw elements of past experiences back into your present by learning how to choose between probabilities.


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“Your inner self creates your reality according to the probabilities available within the range allowed by the conscious mind according to your conscious belief, thought and emotion.” — William Eastwood.


Practical application of principles.


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Does My Conscious Mind Create Reality? Probabilities, Beliefs, Thoughts & Emotions

© Copyright 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, By: William Eastwood.



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Categories: Does my conscious mind create my reality? Probabilities, beliefs, thoughts and emotions. How to create positive probabilities. Metaphysical self-help concepts. Your consciousness, beliefs, thoughts and emotions create matter. The power of positive thinking to create your reality. Positive conscious thinking creates a positive experience, life and reality. Consciousness creates matter and reality by selecting probabilities. Matter and consciousness are the same thing. Success is mind over matter. Click on our site & books to learn more.




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Does My Conscious Mind Create Reality? Probabilities, Beliefs, Thoughts & Emotions

Yes, your conscious mind does create your reality by choosing between probabilities. You can create any reality you want by learning to choose between probabilities.

Once you know how, you can make your life whatever you want it to be. You can change or remove elements you dislike and add desired events and wishes.





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