You can be 100% safe from all threats
Is it possible to be safe from all threats, regardless of their source.
Solving social problems & remaining forever safe
You are safe when you know how to think beyond cause and effect, because you will be operating by a primary rather than secondary law of the universe.

Our institutions, societies and accepted methods of doing things are all based on the idea that things happen without cause. This paradigm, as you probably know, is false. It is based on a mechanistic universe and a religious—Darwinian world.
Events happen for a reason and we control everything that happens in our lives. But how many new authors will tell you the truth? The answer is, very few. Most authors do not want to alienate you, which will happen if they say something contrary to your most basic beliefs about reality. That doesn’t happen here at EN. The fact is, we will tell your right-away, that your reality is a projection of your consciousness.
We can solve not only the problems of violence in our culture, but also eliminate barriers to success so that we can achieve our personal goals and ambitions. Bullying or personal degrading and institutional hindering of the individual leads to most personal and social problems.
Where Do All My Problems Come From?
MYTHS: Mechanistic View, Darwinism, S. Freud, Etc.
Why is American so prone to bullying and violence? The answer is revealing.
Why the whole world suffers!
Man with pointing finger depicts the inner judge within people that holds them back.
Only 1% of people are free.
The rest are controlled by the inner judge & victim.
THE PROPHECY Both the mind and body are controlled by the parasite.
TCM: NEW SCIENCE & EARTH NETWORK Few people are even aware of the inner judge & victim.