What is Conscious Evolution? How is Consciousness Created? Where Does Consciousness Come From?

What is Conscious Evolution? How is it Created? Where does it Come From?

Eastwood 1979 interview Thoughts create matter author

The author of this article, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13This is documented in the public record.

"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.


What is Conscious Evolution? How is Consciousness Created? Where Does Consciousness Come From?

  • What is conscious evolution?
  • How is consciousness created?
  • Where does consciousness come from?


Desire and intent existed before there was any physical matter in existence. Physical reality came from a dream. Then there was a more recent process of conscious evolution that formed the kind of perception we have now.


What is conscious evolution?

What is Conscious Evolution? UN How is Consciousness Created? Where Does Consciousness Come From?
William Eastwood.

Conscious evolution is a change in perception over a period of about five thousand years. From about 12,000 years ago to 2,000 years ago humans developed ego consciousness and a narrowed focus in physical reality. Before that time humans saw more, and identity was greater.

With individuality came greater competition, cruelty and warring tribes — history as we know it to be. But humans are not naturally this cruel, nor does evolution exist in the way we think it does.

The competition and wars are due to a diminished rather than expanded consciousness. The human race gradually loses awareness of the invisible life that exists behind the physical reality we know. In the past few centuries, science denied it even existed.



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Human conscious evolution is about developing self-consciousness. This distinguishes us from the rest of life on earth but does not make us superior, just different.

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We cannot even perceive our physical reality without focusing within a precise range of frequencies. Once focused in physical reality between age two and five, ego consciousness then sees the world differently than other species. Reality came from a dream. We were basically freewheeling spiritual consciousness that could dip in and out of the physical system before we learned to perceive as we do now. Ego consciousness is new. 

Violence, global warming and External Science are a product of our type of consciousness carried further than was intended. It is now too narrow and restricted. There is a lot more to reality which we are not aware of. Even primitive cultures perceived the spirit in everything. We are so closed off from the soul in nature that we have raped our planet without feeling the pain we cause, and we have this odd view that we can somehow benefit at nature’s expense. 


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What happened 5,000+ years ago?

Ego consciousness just implies perception of an individual self. It is your idea of yourself. Animals lack this form of self-consciousness. The human race had to develop it, and doing so required time. The ego development was planned and required that we severed inner awareness and created an outward, physically focused perception.

Ego type perception would enjoy many advantages but also would suffer being cut off from the rest of inner reality. Humans would also go through thousands of years of tribalism and violence as a result of being cut off from the compassion that comes with a connection to other life. But in order to develop our time of perception it was necessary to be cut off in this way.


Rather than continue to rely on instinct or inner knowledge, humans developed choice. We developed a focus through the brain that allowed us to conceptualize actions in a time context and to make choices based on using our imagination to project forward in time. A person could remember past seasons and plant a seed in the spring because he could foresee a future in which the plant grew to provide food for the community. He could imagine the future.

His actions were no longer ruled by instinct or biological directives and programming. He stepped outside of all of that.

He could achieve more because his decision-making ability allowed him to use strategy and plan for the future in a way that worked to his advantage.

Developing self-consciousness

Five thousand years ago the race made the decision to develop self-consciousness, evolving beyond the animals. This involved stepping apart from the rest of nature by developing a self-consciousness that sees itself as separated from nature and others.

The characteristics assigned to the male were those that would enable us to achieve this goal (and to focus on the physical world). These qualities would help in the manipulation of matter, eventually spurring the industrial revolution and the development of technology. These can be called the thrusting-out aspects because they direct psychological energy outward.

These characteristics would help civilization to step apart from nature, and would serve ego development, strengthening a new kind of consciousness.




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What is Conscious Evolution? How is Consciousness Created? Where Does Consciousness Come From?

© Copyright 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, By: William Eastwood.



Primary article concludes here.




Why males become mean

A new type of consciousness was no small goal. In order to achieve these ends, a new orientation that emphasized what we think of as male characteristics was adopted by the race as a whole.


The Human Psyche is Male & Female


As a result of our “male” orientation, over the past 5000 years we have successfully evolved a new type of self-awareness and ego consciousness. However, we have overdone the process and as a result ego, or male consciousness his cut off from his inner intuition and sensitivities. This produces unnatural behavior as males often express cruel and insensitive tendencies.

Our climate situation is dire as a result. But that is far from all the problems produced by unnatural male ego dominance. Male nationalistic tribes and patriarchal systems have produced excessive cruelty, violence and other problems.

When the male psyche is deprived of a whole set of what we call feminine emotions, the void left by their absence is filled by a far less pleasing set of emotions.

Many males in our society are unable to feel much or any love, and this happens because of cultural directives rather than anything natural. We end up with raging emotions, much more negative attitudes later in life, hostilities and conflicts.

The male psyche can be tormented if the artificial psychological differences between the sexes are carried to an extreme, as we see happening in politics in America today.



Categories: What is Conscious Evolution? How is Consciousness Created? Where Does Consciousness Come From? What is conscious evolution and the origin of consciousness? How is consciousness created and where does it come from? Eastwood – The Inner UN.

What is Conscious Evolution? How is Consciousness Created? Where Does Consciousness Come From?


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