Can we receive knowledge from the future? Can a future civilization alter its past?
- Can we receive knowledge from the future?
- Can a future civilization alter its past?
I will answer these questions now.
Yes, we can receive knowledge from the future. Knowledge is received by the subconscious and the body directly from the future and the field of probabilities, we are just generally unaware that it is.
When evolutionary developments occur, the change in the organism comes from the future. In the same way an urban planner projects his imagination into the future to determine what needs to be constructed now to meet anticipated needs, consciousness looks to the future and adjusts the organism and biology to accommodate anticipated changes. When you want to move, the sense of choice comes from the existence of probable events that exist outside of time constraints.
When you want to move or take a vacation, you pack your suitcase with what you will need when you get there. This is the basic way consciousness operates and creates.
Consciousness literally goes to the “future,” however.
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Basically, there is no time. The only thing that exists is an infinite present moment. What we call the future consists of more action than our consciousness can digest.
You would be unable to function effectively if your field of awareness included past and future events. You would exist in a perpetual state of confusion and chaos.
So consciousness has a solution, it’s called time.
But a moment in time is just a chunk of action we can manage.
Our consciousness has limited capacity to perceive simultaneous activity, and so we limit the range by dividing stimula into manageable chunks that are easy to digest. A moment of time is a range of action. A time segment is a segment of action divided from the whole. It’s one bite of a much bigger meal that exists, and which we consume.
In deeper levels of consciousness we connect with future and past events. We learn from past and future action. We learn from probable selves what happens when we make different decisions than we did in this life.
To learn more about the levels of your consciousness, click below.
Knowledge comes primarily from within, be it past, future or present. The intellect is isolated and has to figure things out because it can’t access information in the way the intuition can. The body consciousness and your inner mind is in contact with all knowledge.
Follow my advice on using a dream journal to begin accessing future knowledge.
You can build neuron pathways to future probabilities. You can tune into the future through the body and higher states of consciousness.
This information does not intrude on you despite your will. You beckon positive or negative information according to what you think. The past is a vast reservoir of valuable experience you can draw the best from to form your reality the way you want it to be. By entertaining negative thoughts you do the opposite and draw elements from the past that you do not like and thus predispose yourself to more such experience.
You can also draw the most desirable future probabilities to you by focusing on what you want to have happen in the future as if it were already happening. Feel and see what you want as existing around you and you will create it.
This won’t work, however, if you have two sets of beliefs. We cannot operate with one mental foot in the door. The paradigm we all learned from society is a set of physicalist ideas that manifest chaos. They are not congruent with the effective use of these principles.
Our beliefs about what is or is not possible regulate our capacity to understand that future knowledge is easily accessible. Our mental habits over the past five thousand years to pulled away from direct access to the future.
When you have a thought, it continues to exist. Simply learn to follow your thoughts. They do go somewhere. Because I have been doing this since I was a child, I can go “places” in the future and bring back information that is valuable.
I can see the results of actions I am considering and so I can make better decisions than if I could not see future probable events.
I can try out action in the dream state to see where certain decisions will take me without having to suffer any consequences. I can then make the right decision with my waking consciousness.
To expand perception, we must evaluate long-held, taken-for-granted assumptions about time. Many scientists, including Albert Einstein, questioned the existence of time.
We must all do this and we must understand probabilities.
Can we receive knowledge from the future? Can a future civilization alter its past? To answer these questions, we must first determine if the information we receive from traditional science is accurate or not. If it is not, then we must use a new science paradigm that is more accurate.
Internal Science and International Philosophy explain the appearance of physical reality, whereas physicalism does not.