How I create my reality
I talk to myself in my head all day long. Like others, I have a thought about every three seconds. This is the suggestion that creates my reality!
Therefore, I am very concerned about each and every thought and emotion.
I know that whatever I tell myself is true in my head is what I create. I also know that my beliefs manifest. The objective is to change beliefs and life-patterns that are manifesting the problems and limitations I am trying to overcome.
That means I must focus on what I want and the joyful feelings of realization associated with those passions. And I must do that rather than ruminate over my problems endlessly.
In those moments when you are thinking about your problems you are creating them in that moment.
Fears and doubts
Usually what I tell myself is true is slightly different than what I believe. Like everyone, I have fears and doubts. My constant affirmations combat these fears and doubts.
My positive affirmations change the underlying beliefs that are generating those fears and doubts.
When your beliefs change, your thoughts and emotions change, and then your reality changes.
Instant life changes
Every morning I listen to my favorite music and fill my being with the most positive feelings imaginable. As I am doing this I say affirmations such as “more and more money is coming into my life now.”
This is how you transform your life. Transformations can be almost instantaneous following this method.
Appreciation & Gratitude Are Powerful Tools
Mind Over Matter Power Principles
Learn to Create With Visualization
How Do I Stop Negative Thinking?