The emotional bliss you experienced as a child was the result of emotional understanding. There are certain intuitive comprehensions built into your mind when you are born.
By about age five or six we tend to grow out of intuitive comprehension built into our consciousness, and into the beliefs of our society. We internalize the degrading and negative beliefs of society and this hinders us.
The objective should be to reacquire the intuitive intelligence you were born with. At a very early age you have an emotional connection with nature, an an emotional understanding of reality.
The emotional bliss you experienced as a child was the result of having minimal beliefs, and those beliefs you held dear were inherent in your consciousness when you were born.
We are born in a state of grace, and possess love, trust and faith in the positive. We see the magic around us, and appreciate the beauty in everything.
We feel a connection to Nature and life, and we have a sense of power over our reality.
In early childhood until about age six, we intuitively sense that our thoughts influence reality and that we can control what happens to us.
Then as we grow older this emotional confidence erodes as our belief system changes. We adopt the beliefs of the adult world. We no longer feel safe.
You can understand something intellectually but not emotionally. When something clicks, that’s emotional comprehension.
To manifest anything you have to understand it on an emotional level. You’ve been told that your beliefs create your reality. What you believe is made evident by what you feel. If you think you believe you deserve to be rich but don’t feel fully entitled to what you are asking for, the feeling is what tells you what you really believe inside.
Really feeling something to be true is what results in manifestation. Real knowing is followed by the feeling of knowing it is true.
Understanding anything on an intellectual level is an important and necessary preliminary. Real understanding, however, comes with emotional comprehension.
You cannot apply the principles of belief, thought & emotion manifestation with any significant level of success without a baseline emotional comprehension.
We have emotionally internalized the myth instead
The way we were told reality works, is that physical matter is detached, something apart from us and unresponsive to our desires and needs. As a result, we automatically process all information accordingly.
It is as if we are deeply cognizant of the “fact” that our thoughts and emotions do not form our reality, when in fact this is an emotionally-held hypnotic belief, or myth.
This way of approaching life has been emotionally assimilated and it is our baseline approach. This must change if we are going to have any success with metaphysics.
A Quantum Leap is an emotional leap. It is the final factor needed; the emotional comprehension of an idea, principal or paradigm.
The way to change our baseline approach to life, is to study the metaphysical principles on an intellectual and emotional level, and then to deliberately replace the old paradigm with the new metaphysical truth.
When it all clicks emotionally, that is when it will really work in our lives.
This idea that our reality and other people are separate and apart from us is so deeply internalized that we have intellectually and emotionally lost a sense of control and power. Most people who are learning these concepts on my website have one foot in the mythical trance-like worldview held by the entire civilization, and one foot in the metaphysical worldview.
Most of us get it intellectually, but not emotionally. The emotional factor is where we go wrong. This is really just another way of saying that we don’t really believe what we say we do on an intellectual level.
This means that most people that are learning these concepts have a lot of beliefs that are in conflict. If you don’t want to be ineffective and divided like the majority, you must work on your belief system in order to assimilate the ideas intellectually and then emotionally.
Your objective should be to get to the point where you can make these principles of manifestation work in your life. That is primarily an emotional accomplishment. That is one important reason why I am introducing video here that conveys emotional understanding.
This site has a variety of stimuli to emotionally reinforce and contribute to what you are learning on an intellectual level.
I cover as many subjects as possible in my websites, and I include daily affirmations and guidance to help you learn on both an intellectual and emotional level, so that you can apply the principles successfully in your own life.
The purpose of all of this is to help you create the life you want.