How Do I Create Success Instantly? Mind Over Matter Power to Succeed Instantly!

Eastwood 1979 interview Thoughts create matter author

The author of this article, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13This is documented in the public record.

"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.


How Do I Create Success Instantly? Mind Over Matter Power to Succeed Instantly!

  • How do I create success instantly?
  • How do I use mind over matter power to succeed instantly?


I will answer these questions now.



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Internal Science & International Philosophy by William Eastwood.

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How do I create success instantly?

How do I create success instantly book mind over matter power to succeed 
Learn how to create success instantly with William Eastwood’s Success Guaranteed in paperback and eBook format!

A shift in consciousness can create instant success. It is true, yet the majority are not aware of this secret or the wisdom and science on which it is based. You can create success instantly when you know how reality works and apply a few simple mind over matter principles. Because of the nonlinear nature of time, your mind’s power and your unlimited human potential can be tapped instantly.

It is possible to create instant success with a single shift in consciousness. To do that, ask yourself what your very best memory related to your greatest aspirations is. What was your most inspired moment in life? Fill your mind with a vivid recollection of your mental and emotional state. Because reality is holographic projection of consciousness, cellular consciousness contains the memory in every aspect. When you bring that fortunate state of mind to the surface you also activate connections within your mind to other similar events, supporting ideas, constructive beliefs and the means by which you manifested that event.

Your power is in your worldview, and so it is very important that you understand your power over reality and how reality responds to your psychological state.


Nonlinear thinking

To create success instantly, work your thinking up to the highest level possible. Once you are in peak mode, project intense joy into the feeling-image of what you want. Then live as fully as you can in the feeling of the end result desired. Do this for at least ten minutes, twice a day.

Adopt the paradigm of simultaneous time and apply nonlinear time manifesting techniques.  First and foremost, project intense positive energy into your feelings and expectations of success. Your imagined success should feel realistic. You must talk to the inner self and tell yourself what you want, deserve and intend to have.


You can develop your unlimited human potential
A website article.


To use mind over matter power to succeed instantly, immerse yourself in learning what is on this site and stay in a steady and deep conviction of integrity and success.

Constantly remind yourself of the power of your thoughts and ability to have what you want and be who you want to be. Do not visualize as an onlooker, but enter into your success. Be in the center of your successful life. See and feel it as you would an ordinary physical event or environment.

Commit yourself to the inevitable life of success.



Success Guaranteed book mind over matter power for money health
2023 edition.

Success Guaranteed works like magic to create whatever you want, no matter what it is is the book manufacturer with the most up to date version of the book. Distributors such as Amazon, may be carrying older versions.


Thoughts create matter mind over matter success guaranteed


The science on this page supports the primary purpose of this site—to empower you to be successful in all areas—in intellectual and spiritual knowledge, business, finance, health, love and relationships.

Scientists have used quantum mechanics to develop advanced technology, yet as a society we have not yet employed those same facts to generate a new and more factual psychology. It is time to do so.

All content, books and links on this site are based on or in agreement with the findings of quantum mechanics. The concepts presented to you here are thus much more accurate and powerful than current psychology and standard self-help methods of achievement.

Quantum tunneling psychology, for example, reveals that consciousness is not restricted by the laws of classical physics. You mind can permeate any seeming barrier.




CEU conscious energy unit new science William Eastwood thoughts create matter reality physical
A website article.




When you understand that you exist at the center of an unlimited web of probabilities that is controlled by direction of attention you can succeed rapidly.  But the science and art of manifesting must be applied successfully. Your beliefs and your slightest thought or emotion affects past, present and future probabilities.


How do I attract create money using my mind?
A website article.


Metaphysics appreciation gratitude manifesting mind over matter William Eastwood practical life philosophy
A websites article.


Command reality to create your wish!

How do I create success instantly eBook mind over matter power to succeed 
Learn how to create success instantly with William Eastwood’s Success Guaranteed eBook!

You can command reality to create your wish.

The contemporary world is steeped in myth, yet quantum physics is leading many out of ignorance to understand reality. Whatever you believe and think is true you create as real in your life. An affirmation creates as a reality what it says exists.

In the Bible there are various stories of Christ using affirmations to command God’s energy to create the events his affirmations demanded. This is a symbolic representation of someone using an affirmation to direct universal energy to create any given desire.

Affirmations are the equivalent of Christ’s commands. Affirmations harness imagination and mind power to create desired events. This is how anything and everything is created.

Your consciousness forms the events of your life. You cannot appreciate the power of your mind until you understand this basic fact about reality.

Christ also depicts the higher self of each person, but in the Bible Christ is human. This suggests that you can become you higher self by learning to direct energy through affirmations as Christ in the story did so effectively.


William Eastwood at age 37
William Eastwood

“You create your own reality, and you are always in control of what you create.  I have said this since I was 12: You select events—probabilities—according to your desires and assumptions.

“The central premise that consciousness creates reality dismantles most accumulated knowledge in all fields. This creates a situation in which many beliefs and institutions will need to change.”


How to create anything manifest thoughts matter
A website article.


Emotions elicit probabilities in the spacious present

Any emotion you feel, is manifest many times during the day.

If you feel you do not have enough money, those feelings will manifest in some way. If you think your job does not pay enough, your car is a piece of junk, or whatever, you are creating that because that is what you are focusing on.

When you focus on something, you reinforce beliefs (in what you are focusing on) and you generate emotions that reinforce the belief. These thoughts and emotions will manifest.


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You have already solved your problems and achieved complete success in other probabilities. Through proper application of affirmations, you can pull those probabilities to you.

The best possible self you aspire to be already exists. There is no time limitation, and all realities exist now.

You select elements from a field of probabilities in your present point of power by what you think and feel.

I am not speaking symbolically. Your best self is not just an idea, it exists within you now.




There are many variations of your identity within you. Every thought affects what elements of probabilities your draw into your present.

Beliefs and affirmations will draw elements of probable selves and their abilities into your current experience. Some of those probable selves are very advanced and powerful.

You can draw the reality of anything you want into your current life experience by maintaining the proper focus every day. You can create what you want simply by focusing on what you want to create.


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When your focus and thinking changes, life can get better overnight

How do I create success instantly Manifesting book mind over matter
Learn how to create success instantly with William Eastwood’s Manifesting Power Book in paperback and eBook format!

Your visualizations or affirmations may momentarily project you to the life you want. Like in the Cinderella story, in these brief moments you will be what you want to be.

These new episodes will then start to change everything. As long as you do not doubt what you are experiencing, you will create more of these kinds of new events. Not to mention you will feel better overnight.

With a changed self-image, focus and emotions, new feelings, abilities and skills will automatically start to filter into your present moment.

Right away you will notice small changes is your life. You will have periodic relief from whatever problems you may have been previously focused on.

You may have some pleasing encounters with people or unusual “luck.” Your goals will seem a little more believable every day.

Your thoughts about you past and future will shift to be more in line with your changing self-image and new events. You will become more optimistic and confident.

As expectations for your future rise those ideals will be increasingly easy to manifest.

As you contemplate having achieved a goal, you connect on inner levels to that reality. That inner reality, identity and positive emotions then begin to filter into your current experience.

As this happens the desired reality begins to color your own thoughts and emotions. The impeding belief(s) blocking the manifestation of your authentic self then begin to shift, weaken and break up.

Refute all your doubts as they come up. At any time during or after you become more like your ideal self, defensive beliefs may kick in with their arguments and memories, and you must not let them cause you to doubt.

A warning. You are comfortable with your patterns even if they are detrimental. You need to remember to believe in what you want every day. You will need to feel good every day.

When you initiate changes, old patterns may try to re-exert themselves. The greater the changes you want the greater the effect. This is when you must not back down. You must believe that you are the new person that is manifesting, and you must not let your doubts alter what you know to be your destiny.



Hologram of consciousness?

Is your life a hologram you are creating?

Science is getting closer to obtaining an understanding of the nature of reality as  and reveal.

Reality, being a holographic projection of your five senses, is not singular. Each person creates their own hologram. When born, we tune into collective beliefs as to what exists and this enables each person to agree on the fundamentals as to what exists. The result is a belief in a singular reality we all inhabit, yet the one world, one time-line traditional view of reality is a myth.

To understand reality and how you have control over what you experience try free real school, or get the scientific facts and help creating the life you want to live on or

Click above to learn more


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A website article.



Book Review


New edition published in 2020, and planned for early 2021.

MIND POWER FOR SUCCESS GUARANTEED – Mind Over Matter for Money, Success & Health.

Published March 7th, 2018.

214 pages.

Review by: Scott Aronson


How do I create success instantly eBook mind over matter power to succeed 
Learn how to create success instantly with William Eastwood’s Success Guaranteed eBook!

This book tells you how to succeed at anything overnight. If you don’t believe William Eastwood’s unorthodox philosophy and methods work, consider that he has published three major books in four months.

With great simplicity, clarity and brilliant optimism, each of this book’s sixteen chapters get right to the point at the beginning of each chapter.

His philosophy is fascinating and bold. He says: “You can choose Darwin’s Evolution or a religion, or you can take the third option: This is the third option.” According to Eastwood, you are not one self moving through one world from birth to death, and you do not create anything in physical reality. He says you are really in a field of unlimited probabilities projecting who you think you are into the physical movie we call life. He tells you how to select an identity as if it were as simple and easy as selecting a movie to watch on your TV. He also backs all of this up with some impressive science.

He proposes an inner ego constantly attempting to lead you in the right direction. With an understanding of how to select probabilities and identities he suggests that the inner ego will create synchronistic events that lead you to what you desire.

I put his book in the category of metaphysics and self-improvement, and his philosophy fits the New Thought movement. He suggests that all people are spiritual beings primarily and that all past thinking is a guilt-trip that casts out man’s divinity. He spends the entire book telling you how you can attain freedom, power, health, prosperity, and all good, molding your body as well as the circumstances of your life through the constructive use of your mind.

He says that repeating problems indicate we are creating by default, and that we are meant to apply a matter-creation process via enlightened correct thought.

He says you can learn how to create exactly what you want in life by understanding and applying this science with awareness of the relationship between yourself and your inner self, and between your thoughts and resulting physical experience.

It was better that I thought it would be because the entire book is well-written and doesn’t waste any time getting right to the point. It seems William really wants to help you because his style is to write directly to you as if he was telling you face-to-face what you need to know and do to succeed overnight.

How do I create success instantly book mind over matter power to succeed 
Learn how to create success instantly with William Eastwood’s Success Guaranteed in paperback and eBook format!

The book is well organized and covers all the main points of the creation process you will need to know, as well as the philosophy on which it is based so that you can put it all in perspective. He backs his theories up by citing the popular Many-worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics by Hugh Everett, and other prominent physicists such as Einstein and author of Quantum Theory, David Bohm.

There is nothing but outstanding practical information anyone can use in his book. Thanks to this magnificently well-done complete manual on how to succeed constantly going directly to what you need to know, I think William Eastwood has made a name for himself.

William Eastwood offers “proof in the pudding” that his method for overnight success works by the fact that he published three major books in the past four months.  

It seems he has selected an identity of world-saver by publishing “THE SOLUTION TO ALL OF HUMANITY’S PROBLEMS…” and “YOU ARE A BEAUTIFUL PERSON – Key to Freedom” to solve all problems and liberate humanity, followed by this book a month later.

There is nothing in his books I found objection to, that would suggest that his theories and methods are incorrect or can’t work. Maybe he is right, and the entire mainstream line of thinking is an error, what he calls The Great Myth of Modern Man.

I highly recommend everyone read this book.


How do I use mind over matter to materialize money manifesting goals dreams?
A website article.


Most people hold on to their worldview as if their life depended on it. Yet their success, safety and effectiveness in life all depend nonlinear thinking. Click on image to learn more.


Practical application of principles.


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How Do I Create Success Instantly? Mind Over Matter Power to Succeed Instantly!

© Copyright 2019, 2021, 2022, 2024, By: William Eastwood.



Primary article concludes here.



The Holy Grail

Nobel Prize winning physicists in the 20th century are responsible for creating quantum physics. From their work science has discovered the true nature of reality. There are no physical particles. Everything is composed of non-solid waves of energy.

Other fields of science, however, do not listen to what these physicists have discovered. If all of science were a human body, it would be as if the arms and legs of science do not listen to the head. Our modern field of science is therefore in a schizophrenic condition.

If we were to listen to the physicists whose job it is to determine the nature of reality, we would develop a new picture or paradigm of reality. Internal Science is the name I have given to that paradigm. If we were to base psychology on that paradigm we would develop a new psychology. I call that psychology International Philosophy.

International Philosophy is based on the science of exactly how thoughts form matter. Ideas and emotions are energy that coalesce as events and objects. You mind creates your reality.

If you apply the principles of International Philosophy, you can manifest whatever you want in life right now. If we can get enough people to do this we can solve world problems.

Our website articles tell you exactly how you can achieve your goals and how we can solve world problems. We have all the answers. The only thing stopping us from creating the "Promised Land" is the belief that we do not have all the answers.

We can reverse global warming and we can give money to everyone. There is enough wealth to go around for everyone. Wealth is a result of having positive beliefs about money. You can get there by following the God of you.

Our 500 free articles are filled with the practical information you need to create what you want in life.

Read Belief Projection Theory, watch "The Dragon Slayer Prophecy" film, and be sure to use our affirmation and guidance pages every day. And if you can afford them, buy William Eastwood's books to support the mission to feed and care for everyone on earth and to transition humanity to a new era of peace and fulfillment before it is too late.


Photo by: Raining Huang. Click on image to read article.






Categories: How do I create success instantly? Mind-power self-help metaphysical philosophy book review. How can I use mind over matter mind power to manifest success & materialize money? Mind-power & mind over matter book review. Mind power & mind over matter for money success & health. Mind over matter metaphysical self-improvement book review. Mind-power self-help metaphysical philosophy book review. Click on our site and books to learn more.


How Do I Create Success Instantly? You Can Succeed & Make Money! Use Mind Over Matter Mind Power


This book tells you how to succeed at anything overnight. If you don’t believe William Eastwood’s unorthodox philosophy and methods work, consider that he has published three major books in four months.

With great simplicity, clarity and brilliant optimism, each of this book’s sixteen chapters get right to the point at the beginning of each chapter.



The concepts conveyed in this website are within these books.

Click on image to go to mind over matter book page.


