The author of this article, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13. This is documented in the public record.
"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.
- Internal Science by William Eastwood.
- International Philosophy by William Eastwood.
- Belief Projection Theory-(BP) by William Eastwood.
- The Inner UN by William Eastwood.
- Earth-Network.org by William Eastwood.
- The New Altruistic Movement by William Eastwood.
- An International Film by William Eastwood.
- Online Free Course & Daily Affirmations-by William Eastwood.
- 30 books by William Eastwood.
- 500+ articles by William Eastwood.
How Can I Create What I Want? How to Materialize Anything in Life: Money, Love, Happiness, etc.
- How can I create what I want in life?
- How can I materialize anything?
- How can I create money, love and happiness?
- What are the secrets of the universe?
I will answer these questions now.
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All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.
Lost magic
In childhood life is an exciting and magical adventure and everything seems possible. The future is a blank slate, and it seems as if we can have anything we want.

Young children even believe they can affect reality and create miracles with their thoughts. Not only do children seem to experience more miracles than adults do, they have a magical optimism that transforms everything.
When we get older, we lose the magic. We are told negative events happen to us and that there is nothing we can do about it. The direction our life takes may even seem to be outside of our control.
When the world loses its light and seems dead, nothing we want seems to happen and we lose interest.
In order to gain back what we lost as children it is necessary that we understand the true nature of our reality.
How to escape myth and immediately attain success
The primary myth that comes out of materialism and Darwinism is that thoughts and and physical events are two distinct entities. Nothing could be more untrue.
Your beliefs create your reality, literally. Your conscious beliefs create your immediate reality. If you change your beliefs, thoughts and emotions right now, your reality will immediately begin to change.
The way change begins, however, is in small increments. One thought is like one small brick in the cathedral you want to build. Until you do the work of getting the structure started it is difficult to manifest your dream cathedral or life.
The secrets of the universe unveiled
What is the secret formula within the child’s mind? You would know what it is, as would the entire population, if we were not all misled by mechanistic science. If I recalibrate your conception of reality it will be possible for you to know the secret to create what you want in your life.
The past does not create the present

The light coming out of a light bulb is not an object like an apple. It was not created in the past and put in the air so that you can read. Instead it is action in motion. Photons of light are pulsations speeding past you at the speed of light.
What you need to know is that the electrons that form seemingly solid objects are also ongoing projections―energy of nonphysical origin beaming into time-space. Objects are actions. If you could stop the projection of matter in the same way you turn off a light with a switch, your physical body and environment would vanish.
The reality around you is being continually projected in the same way a beam of light is. Everything is an ongoing projection. The glass you drink out of is a different glass every time you use it. The same holds true for your body.
The objects you see now do not exist in the past any more than the light you are reading by existed in your past. The light you read by may seem the same, but you know it is not. The same holds true of physical objects.
We can see first-hand how consciousness forms matter. Scientific studies of the Zero Point Field show us the emergence of consciousness as a projection of energy we perceive as solid. That projection is ongoing and under your control.
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Now clear your mind and think of it this way
Everything around you is continually being destroyed at the same rate at which it is being created.
Reality is completely destroyed and recreated more than a million times per second. Like scenes flashed on a deck of cards with your thumb, the rapid succession of images creates the illusion of one continuous flowing reality from start to finish. When in reality each card represents a unique recreation.
Your reality is continually being recreated in such a way as to give the appearance of a growth process that flows from past to present. But the past does not create the present.
A seed does not actually produce a plant, and a child does not actually grow into an adult. The recreations follow a pattern of similarity because of the common denominator—the inner reality of your beliefs and subjective energy—and because of the drawn-out nature of our perception within a time system.

The patterns of recreations create the illusion of growth from a past state into a future state. Individual frames passing through a beam of light in an old-fashioned film projector also create an illusion of one continuous progression from past to present. But the whole reel of film exists at once.
Growth in time is an illusion

If the past is not determining the shape and form of objects what is?

The truth is that the events unfolding around you are projections shaped by your beliefs, thoughts and emotions. Your beliefs create continuity, not physical matter, because physical matter does not create anything. Past states of living systems do not create anything, only consciousness creates matter.
Create what you want in life by changing your state of mind
So-called non-living matter does not exist, and physical things do not cause anything to happen. A car accident is not a result of physical cause and effect, it is a result of mental energy projecting into time-space. It is a selection of a probability that can change at any time prior to the accident. A change in the mind of the people creating the event can stop the accident. Changing the state of the psyche is the only way events can be affected. Events are part of you—projections of your thoughts, like limbs and fingers.

A child intuitively knows this, and this explains why they identify with nature and feel that they can exert some control over events with their thoughts. Children express inbuilt propensities of consciousness with which they are born. They are born with an inbuilt expectation that every event will have the best possible outcome. And they do not have negative beliefs to hinder this process. The creation of positive and constructive events is automatic.
One of the main reasons why adults lose this ability is because they are misled by science. They are hypnotized into believing it is not their beliefs, thoughts and emotions, but past events that create the present. And this is where they go wrong. You can’t fix a problem if you do not know what the problem is.
The past is not what creates your present

Your conscious beliefs create your reality. This is a scientifically correct, eternal principle. You can accomplish whatever you can conceive and believe possible. Once you understand this and apply positive and magical thinking, your perception of reality changes and your thoughts have a greater impact on events. Reality then responds to your wishes and desires and begins delivering all you want. The magical psychological state characterized by childhood is reacquired.
How can I create what I want in my life?

You can create what you want in your life by focusing on what you want, by working toward it and by living in the feeling of the wish fulfilled.
Your beliefs, thoughts and emotions create your reality. If you get good news in an email, text or whatever, and you feel great as a result, you created the event. Positive emotions attract and create events. Your positive energy and expectations reach out to others. Good news in the mail is a product of your own positive energy.

You can create good news because subjective activity and matter are both expressions of electromagnetic energy. Your thoughts create and physically materialize what you want when you focus on what you want in the proper way.

To create what you want, hold the feeling of the result wished for. Realize that your slightest thought is connected to and influences others. Focus on what you want every morning and work toward it.