The founder of Earth Network, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13. His interview is in the United States library system microfilm database public record.
- Internal Science.
- International Philosophy.
- Belief Projection Theory–(BP).
- The Inner UN.
- The Altruistic Movement.
- 25 books by William Eastwood.
- 500+ articles by William Eastwood.
- A free daily manifesting guide (manifest money, goals and desires).
- The New Scientist (time travel).
Earth is a training ground for emerging consciousness. We are not allowed to go into more advanced systems until we learn how to direct energy correctly.
However, the world is our creation means that we can have anything we want. We learn through play more so than work because this is the nature of consciousness and existence. Adults and children learn through play and we are meant to have fun.
Enjoying ourselves will also protect us from harm that comes from negative beliefs and inner and outer perceived threats. All consciousness lives forever and experience consists primarily of explosive pleasure followed by more explosive pleasurable experiences. This is how we evolve and become better. Consciousness is altruistic and when experiencing pleasure, wants others to join in and feel the same.
Our World Is Our Creation: We Can Have Anything We Want
Your world is your creation and you can have anything you want, but not if you believe what your parents and teachers say. When they tell you that your world is not your creation, and that you can’t have anything you want, that becomes your reality if you believe them.
The good thing is, it’s not true, and so you do not have to believe them.

Current scientific views of reality are a cozy fantasy that appears to be logical because all the pieces fit. There is said to be one world, in which you have one self that lives one life in the bedrock of physical space and forward motion in time.
All our fields of science have built up around that view so that all the pieces fit.
The problem with that picture is that it is not true, it is a set of simple myths that our ancestors created. It revolves around limited perception and the selfish idea that the ego is the only self, and its reality is the only reality.
Quantum physics has blown that picture out of the water but we still perceive reality in the same cozy way people have for untold generations.
When you let go of that picture, something happens. You realize that you can have anything you want.
When I said, “Adults too,” I mean it. The multidimensional self is every age. The real you never ages but creates whatever age self it desires, and you are your real self. All your ages are simultaneous because all that exists is an infinite present moment. There is no time.

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How science creates its worldview
Because we project our beliefs into matter, we see in material form what appears to validate what we believe. When a central premise is false, it generates errors in all theories which are based on that central premise — in this case, all fields of scientific inquiry, and Darwinism and mainstream psychology most of all. We then become hypnotized by not just one belief, but a whole set of interconnected beliefs that form around a central false premise.
The reason why a worldview seems accurate is because evidence is collected to support its premise, and anything that does not fit is rejected. For centuries this process has been followed in such a way as to reinforce physicalism.
Until recently, that is. In the 20th century, scientific instruments became sophisticated enough to give us quantum mechanics, and as a result, scientists have only recently discovered that physical reality is not solid, that matter is nothing but non-solid energy. It only seems solid because our sense of touch interprets it that way. A few top physicists have even gone further.
Some of the world’s top physicists discovered that the energy within matter is projected by the mind and five senses. Matter may not even exist without an observer. This knowledge is completely at odds with the paradigm of materialism that has been the foundation of mainstream thinking for many generations.

This mistake is so long-standing and extensive that people cannot change their thinking. The beliefs of many will not be changed because the change requires that they question just about everything they hold dear and true. Many highly educated specialists in various scientific fields are even more resistant because their years of training have reinforced the paradigm of physicalism.
Many do not believe such a great error could be made. How could science have proven something that is not true to be true?
The divisiveness in the world today shows us first-hand how people come to believe whatever fits their worldview. They gather what they believe is evidence to fit their religion or faith and discard what does not. The senses select probabilities that fit, the subconscious filters out what conflicts with our beliefs, and the mind and brain project the reality we believe exists according to our beliefs, thoughts and emotions.
Scientists have done the same — science has projected its beliefs by means of a holographic projection system it ironically refuses to believe exists. The exceptions (such as the 20th century’s most influential theoretical quantum physicist, David Bohm) and recent discoveries are largely pushed aside.
Scientists and various authorities remain stuck in their own holographic illusion. They simply do not pay attention to what does not fit their cozy picture of a single self in a single physical world.
In their view, our world dangles in nothingness with other physical galaxies which just poofed into existence in a big bang that had no cause. That picture results in a labyrinth of dark theories.
The subconscious is supposed to have been created out of the survival of the fittest world that sprang out of accidental creation. The innermost area of the mind was believed to contain primal sexual and violent motives in this dark physicalist view of reality.
This idea was first introduced by scientists in church-run schools who inadvertently placed a new kind of devil inside of man while rejecting the Christian version of a devil in the earth. This is all explained in my first book, “The Solution…” These mainstream myths form the foundation of all modern thinking and the institutions in our world.
Past paradigms are incorrect. They are missing the fact that reality is a holographic projection of consciousness. Reality is created on inner levels which are not dark and foreboding repositories of repressed emotions but instead contain multidimensional existence created by our own altruistic consciousness.
Existence is made of up consciousness that experiences constant explosions of joy. Because you are consciousness, you can create what you want for all eternity. You can have anything you want forever!