The author of this article, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13. This is documented in the public record.
"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.
- Internal Science by William Eastwood.
- International Philosophy by William Eastwood.
- Belief Projection Theory-(BP) by William Eastwood.
- The Inner UN by William Eastwood.
- by William Eastwood.
- The New Altruistic Movement by William Eastwood.
- An International Film by William Eastwood.
- Online Free Course & Daily Affirmations-by William Eastwood.
- 30 books by William Eastwood.
- 500+ articles by William Eastwood.
Men & women are the same. Cause of violence, war, terrorism, crime & cruelty
Men & Women Are the Same: The Cause of Violence, War, Terrorism, Crime & Cruelty
- Why are men and women the same?
- How can the artificial division between men and women be the cause of violence, war, terrorism, crime, and cruelty?
I will answer these questions now.
Why are men and women the same?

What teenager is not terrified of not fitting in? It is obvious that cultural norms cause the behavior they suggest. My own experience was a nightmare because I didn’t fit in. Our civilization is obsessed with the differences between males and females. In the Middle East and in Russia men who behave like females sexually can be put to death. So of course, behavior is socially programmed.
The source of the problem is not understood. An artificial division between the sexes was adopted about 5,000 years ago. This artificial division is the cause of violence, war and many other social problems.
We are people first. You are an individual. Secondly, you have your preferences for behavior. As cultures loosen up, more and more males express behaviors traditionally considered feminine. This pattern will continue until we realize there is almost no difference outside of what has been enforced over hundreds of generations of myths regarding what is or isn’t appropriate.
When we realize that men and women are basically the same, we will solve most of our problems. School shootings, crime, bullying and more are fueled by the unnatural norms imposed on males.
Men and women are basically the same. The artificial division is the cause of violence, war, terrorism, crime and cruelty.
“The Solution…” explains this and other myths underlying personal and public problems. With the solution you can live a more satisfying life and create the life you want. Available in both paperback and eBook. The paperback is 561 pages of valuable information that will change your life forever.
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Cultural expectations regarding the male tend to program male psychological traits in a way that brings about a lack of compassion and leaning toward violence in many, many males. Violence in males and male civilization is a result of the dispelling of what we think to be feminine characteristics from the male sex.

The problem is that as a civilization we are completely unaware as to why this has happened. I will explain why it has happened now.
Divisiveness is a symptom.
Your thoughts create your reality
The psyche of men and women is intrinsically the same

The actual dividing of psychological components takes place in adolescence, when the psyche is torn in half. Boys may become highly aggressive and insensitive due to the loss of so-called “feminine” characteristics. Until this age males can easily express psychological characteristics considered female, and the female easily expresses psychological characteristics considered male.
Once this division has taken place, the male qualities are then exaggerated in the male, and the feminine qualities are overdone in the female. Each man and each woman become a caricature and distortion of what the natural human should be.
Males are attracted to females in part because they are drawn to female characteristics because they have been disowned and extracted from the male. Males try to complete themselves in relationships, but ultimately resent the opposite sex for possessing those so-called feminine propensities they have ejected from their own psyche. Females are attracted to the characteristics they have denied which males possess and become jealous for the same reason.
The division is repeated in each individual
Prior to about age 13 both sets of psychological characteristics coexist in harmony and balance. After age 13 the psyche is dissected and divided into two camps.
This is not a natural division, as I will explain.
There is also a reason why this division began in the first place, which I will also explain.

Developing self-consciousness
Five thousand years ago the race made the decision to develop self-consciousness, evolving beyond the animals. This involved stepping apart from the rest of nature by developing a self-consciousness that sees itself as separated from nature and others.
The characteristics assigned to the male were those that would enable us to achieve this goal (and to focus on the physical world). These qualities would help in the manipulation of matter, eventually spurring the industrial revolution and the development of technology. These can be called the thrusting-out aspects because they direct psychological energy outward.
These characteristics would help civilization to step apart from nature, and would serve ego development, strengthening a new kind of consciousness.
But the process has been way overdone, and we must heal.
—Content from “International Philosophy.”
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All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.
Tearing the psyche in half
Originally what we think of as male and female characteristics belonged to both physical sexes. To achieve separation and the development of the type of ego consciousness we now take for granted, psychological traits and inclinations were divided between the male and female sex.
All of the outward thrusting characteristics that would ensure separation and development of ego consciousness were assigned to the male and were given prominence. All the inward focused characteristics that would prevent separation and the development of ego consciousness were assigned to the female sex and were degraded.
The so-called male qualities would dominate over and suppress the female qualities. This divided condition had so many destructive side-effects that it had to be temporary. Virtually all hurtful actions inflicted on people, other species and the environment are a result of separation by means of this division.

This manipulation of mankind’s psychological components has resulted in a schizophrenic condition lasting into contemporary times. Half of the whole psyche’s characteristics were assigned to the male, and the other half to the female. Regardless of their sex, therefore, in past generations each member of the species expressed approximately only half of their natural potential.
It was known from the beginning that there would be unavoidable consequences due to the human race taking this direction. The side-effects would be temporary, and the overall result would be positive in the long run. Thus, the high costs of this development were accepted as a necessary price to pay to develop a new type of consciousness.
The exaggerated and isolated “male” characteristics and the same attributes projected a new male god would serve as an archetype to emulate and the qualities to idealize and develop, thus giving the race clear and concise direction.

In traditional civilizations the male dominated physically and psychologically. In affairs of the state, in religion, in social life, and in the home males dominated. At the same time these males suppressed those traits embodied by the female of mercy and compassion.
The female took a subservient role in sexuality, in political and social functions, in affairs of church and state, and in the home.
Compassion and love, a connection with nature, creativity, childbirth and intuition, are associated with the female. The nighttime or moon, the subconscious, dreams, sensitivity, nature, nature practices and nature worship were assigned a feminine connotation.
The proliferation of violent male gods occurring during separation reflected the trend of male cruelty, conquest and domination that would last for thousands of years.
The first violent people on earth were not Neanderthal but consisted of raiders like the Huns and Vikings. No sooner did peaceful, non-male dominated civilization get a footing when those particular tribes of people who had already developed male traits and a male dominated society formed armies and then sought to exert their superiority and perceived right to dominate others.
This marks the beginning of classic civilization and its defining male orientation overtaking much of the globe. Violence and organized war define civilization from about 2000-3000 BC to the present.
—Content from “International Philosophy.”
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How can the division between men and women be the cause of violence, war, terrorism, crime, and cruelty in humanity?

Our expectations and norms (the terms are interchangeable) reduce the range of emotions that many males feel comfortable expressing. In traditional conditioned cultures the male is prone to anger and violence due to narrow avenues of expression in terms of emotion and behavior.
Ever since the birth of self-consciousness and free will, the exaggerated division between the sexes happened in our evolution to help us develop an outward focus. This was good but is no longer needed.
The division brought forth tribal conflicts from the beginning of the agricultural revolution. The psychological attributes we associate with the female also belong to the male. In more natural circumstances this would be obvious. When the male is less loving, sensitive and compassionate, problems arise. Violence, war, terrorism, crime, and cruelty are a result of unnatural conditioning of what we think of as female psychological characteristics out of the male sex.
Males naturally want to be more compassionate and loving, but in order to fit in, many feel the need to show a very different face to the world.
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Ego development has gone too far

Currently the race is in trouble because it has taken separation too far. The male qualities are still being considered superior or stressed, and this no longer serves humanity’s purposes.
Our self-consciousness we set out to develop is secure, and now it is imperative that we allow for the re-acquisition of so-called female qualities in the male sex and the so-called male qualities in the female sex.
"Our civilization must be based on a single scientific paradigm everyone can agree on in order to heal division and function properly.
"But it has to be the right science"
— William Eastwood
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We must return to our natural godling state

To survive we must embrace the “male” in the “female” and the “female” within the “male.” For this to happen we must educate the masses. It must be made known that what we have now is artificial and highly destructive. Experts are currently unaware of what constitutes the natural human. Nor are they aware of the degree of harm caused by imposing false norms and values.
When a man finally recognizes his true nature, he will cease creating his false self and will change his nature.
This is what my first book, “The Solution…” is about.

A more balanced human in which the so-called feminine qualities (intuition, sensitivity, compassion, etc.) developed in the male would result in different behaviors and values in society, personal life and governments.
The human race is at a critical juncture
Humanity is dangerously flirting with a backward slide into a tribal state belonging to a long-gone era in which consciousness is extremely ego-centered and further cut off from its source, resulting in something monstrous.
Patriarchal structures of government and family tend to demand obedience to the male ruler and his laws alone.
Men and women are the same. The artificial division is connected to many personal and social problems. Learn how in “What Is the Cause of…” by William Eastwood (In paperback and eBook format).
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.
Human nature is redefined

In the fall/separation man forgets his origin and connectedness to others. The central premise of the emerging worldview is that human nature is evil or untrustworthy and must therefore be controlled by superior egos.
Degradation was a psychological tool used by governments as a method to control and exploit entire populations.
The armies and tribes of long-gone eras establish hierarchical systems to control and exploit. This produces a fear-based consciousness and more distrust of human nature.
We still have religious, philosophical, educational, social, political, economic, judicial and military systems designed to control and domesticate into the paradigm of separation.
So-called male qualities, overdeveloped and undiluted by the so-called female characteristics, as explained in my book “The Solution,” create an unnatural self I call the parasite.

The U.S. judicial system is based on this model. Systems of artificial norms and overemphasized laws are only necessary for a people who distrust their own nature.
Without the artificial division and reduction of the male psyche there would be far more compassion and far less violence in the world.
The reason why men and women are the same is that the human psyche is a repository of both male and female characteristics from which we draw according to cultural directives. Fitting in is necessary for us to survive within the culture. We thus are very careful to become what we are expected to be.
Without these strong directives, a natural self, more like what is apparent in young children, would develop. Our concepts about human nature, male and female, and sexuality are derived from a belief system that is based on traditional accumulated knowledge. However, basically all accumulated mainstream knowledge is based on scientific materialism, which is flawed.

We are living through the lens of many myths that affect us intimately. We are being told that we are something that we are not. In fact, we are creating an artificial being.
The reason why we have not figured it out is because we are unaware of the fact that our definitions of human nature manifest as our reality. We have to realize our beliefs and thoughts create our reality, and then we will realize that false beliefs have created a false human. What we are is far more beautiful than we realize.

Holographic reality explains why we see what we want to see — and create it.
“The human psyche is divided and this is the problem causing most other problems in the world today.”
— William Eastwood